
我先啰嗦几句。这些专家可不是国内卖中药电视直销耍嘴皮子的砖家,可是货真价实的国际著名肿瘤专家。其中一个是Weinberg RA,此君因发现第一个抑癌基因和癌基因而闻名(当然有点小争议),并有望获得炸药奖,现在还活跃在肿瘤研究的最前线,经常关注CNS之类的杂志中肿瘤相关内容的读者肯定会经常看到他的身影,总之如果单谈我对此君的了解,就可以啰嗦很长了。另一个熟悉的面孔是AACR的主席,AACR是美国癌症研究协会的缩写,是个牛气冲天的学会,此君的具体成就我没怎么了解,但是看到不少牛的综述是他的作品。

真正的专家当然不会说包治百病了,这是New Scientist杂志(最近迷上了这个科普性质的杂志)采访他们,请他们谈自己在生活中怎么注意预防肿瘤的,看看这些站在癌症研究最前沿的大牛们是怎么在自己生活中用理论武器武装自己的。当然人家也不是教你怎么去防癌,只是说他们自己是这么整的,而且他们自己也怀疑,这种基于研究结果的做法,对于他们这样的个体而言也不一定管用。



Cancer special: Expert tips
22 October 2008
Magazine issue 2679. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.

Drink green tea
"Breast cancer is the top cancer among women in Singapore. I try to reduce my risk by drinking more green tea and eating more soy-based products. I also steam my tofu with fish since omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce
breast-cancer risk. Finally, I try to catch up on sleep because this may reduce my chance of breast cancer too, if our recent findings are true"
Woon-Puay Koh, cancer epidemiologist, National University of Singapore

Take aspirin
"I take a baby aspirin each morning. I eat a largely vegetarian diet, and I am a fanatic, but not totally successful, in trying to keep my weight down. They say that obesity is the second most important risk factor for cancer deaths after tobacco use. I feel increasingly, in the words of the old hippies, that we are what we eat. It's still a throw of the dice, but at least we can tilt the playing field in our favour"
Robert Weinberg, Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts, discoverer of the first oncogene

Get screened
"I take low-dose aspirin - it does reduce your risk of colon cancer by about 40 or 50 per cent. I also abide by all of the screening tests. Unfortunately, a lot of the population can't afford that kind of intervention, so we've got to figure out ways to make some of these tests less costly"
Ray DuBois, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, and president of the American Association for Cancer Research

Eat your greens
"I grew up in Nigeria and that upbringing instilled behaviours that still make good healthy sense. We ate lots of fruits and vegetables and not much red meat. We got exercise, not always by choice. I now have modern conveniences but I still exercise, by choice. And despite my African heritage, I still try to reduce sun exposure"
Funmi Olopade, director of the University of Chicago's Cancer Risk Clinic

Keep your weight down
"I have never smoked, I'm not overweight, I avoid getting sunburnt and I don't drink much alcohol. I also cycle or walk most days. I have been a vegan for over 30 years because I don't like slaughterhouses. But whether this has any effect on cancer risk remains to be seen"
Tim Key of Cancer Research UK's Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford

Eat a balanced diet
"There are many nutrients that are thought to be potentially protective for cancer, including vitamin D, selenium, carotenoids, other antioxidants, and specific fatty acids. However, I don't take any dietary supplements because
I do not think there is strong evidence that supplements have benefits for cancer beyond the nutrients that would be in a varied and balanced diet"
Kay-Tee Khaw, clinical gerontologist, University of Cambridge

Choose your parents carefully
"I don't smoke, and that's the very best thing anyone can do to avoid cancer. I'm a pale-skinned Scotsman, so I avoid the sun where possible and wear sunblock to avoid melanoma. Another tip would be to choose your parents carefu
lly, to check for inheritable cancers, but that's a bit tricky"
Iain McNeish, medical oncologist, Barts and the London School of Medicine

Think positive
"My advice? Well, don't smoke, eat good green stuff, make very good friends with doctors so that they can snip off the odd mole and do the odd colonosco py. Also, climb mountains and be very happy and positive the whole time"
David Lane, University of Dundee, UK, who showed that defects in the p53 gene cause a range of cancers